Zac Poonen Predica Biserica Speranta Cluj


Adaugat de Uploader in Videoclipuri in 24 Jan 2009.


About Bro. Zac Poonen:

Bro. Zac Poonen was formerly an Indian Naval Officer who has been serving the Lord in India for the past 40 years as a Bible-teacher and elder having responsibility for a number of churches.

He has written a number of books and articles in English which have been translated in other Indian languages as well. His messages given in India and abroad are available on audio and video cassettes and CDs. (See the Books, Audio and Video section)

Like the other elders in CFC, Zac Poonen also supports himself and his family through "tent-making" and does not receive any salary for his services. He does not receive any royalty for any of his books, audio tapes, video tapes or CDs, published by Christian Fellowship Centre.